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Turning Dreams into Reality: Launching PMI Tasmania

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

At PMI, we believe in turning ideas into reality, and our chapters play a pivotal role in fostering project talent.

Since submitting a PMI chapter formation request in July 2022, it took less than one year to complete all processes to turn our dream of a new PMI Tasmania Chapter into reality. We were formally chartered by PMI Global on 27 March 2023, held our gala launch celebration at Government House on 4 April 2023, and hosted the Minicon (Mini-conference) on 5 April 2023. The project is complete, on time, on scope and on budget! :)

The Steering Committee members, led by the amazing Rebecca Greenwood, Interim Chapter President, made ideas into a reality. Thank you, and heartful congratulations.

Wrapping up the launch of our brand new PMI Tasmania Chapter with an insightful and engaging mini-conference was such a pleasure. To have members from PMI Global and Asia Pacific in attendance at both the launch and mini-conference is truly humbling. A special thanks to Jennifer Tharp, Ben Breen, Sohyun Kang, Galen Townson and many others for sharing inspirational messages with our chapter members and volunteers and for teaching us all about the global PM family we now have.

SoHyun Kang, Interim Managing Director, PMI Asia Pacific talked specifically about our impact and growth in the region.

The highlight of the conference was the panel discussion on 'Key Project Management Opportunities and Challenges in Tasmania'. Speakers from across the spectrum - Warren Prentice, CIO Dept of Health, Sandra Hogue, Acting Deputy CEO Infrastructure Tasmania, Kellie Meyers, Manager and Recruitment expert, Hays Technology, and Darren Mathewson, CEO, Li-Ve and facilitated by Melanie Strachan, PMI Tasmania Interim Treasurer - delved into the multi-pronged opportunities and challenges facing projects in our state.

Thankyou Chris le Grange, PMI Interim Membership Director, for giving us a sneak peek of PMI in Tasmania. Talking about opportunities, the infrastructure boom in Tasmania makes conversation about our construction certification even more relevant and timely. Ben Breen, PMI Global Director of Construction & Vice President of PMI Asia Pacific and Johan Jordaan, PMI Tasmania Interim Education Director lead this session.

Timothy Phillips and Rebecca Greenwood, PMI Tasmania Interim President also talked about infrastructure planning community of practice and raising the strategic profile of project management.

Dr Tiendung (TJ) Le, Chair, PMI Disciplined Agile Special Interest Group, Australasia and Aaron Wojcik, PMI Tasmania Interim Board Chair shared the platform to talk about PMI Disciplined Agile. A special call out to Jeferson Souza, PMP, DASSM, SFC, Prince2 from PMI Melbourne Chapter for supporting this presentation.

No session at PMI is ever complete without acknowledging the spirit of giving back to the community. Introducing the group towards volunteering was YeYoon Kim, Regional Head of Community, PMI Asia Pacific, supported by Choong Han Chu and Ahmed Gamil, PMI Tasmania Interim Co-Vice Presidents of Volunteering.

The conference wrapped up with Cath Watson, PMI Tasmania, Interim Secretary sharing information about the forthcoming inaugural Annual General Meeting and elections of the inaugural Board of Directors of PMI Tasmania!

And finally... the official signing of the Chapter Charter by Sohyun and Rebecca!!!

A heartfelt thank you to all the speakers and the organizing committee for setting new benchmarks and embarking on this new journey in Tasmania.

It's very timely that PMI Tasmania Chapter is established at this time in need. We hope to contribute to upskilling and reskilling project professionals for the State's economy and the betterment of society. PMI is proud to be a volunteer-based organisation.

Thankyou very much to everyone from PMI Asia Pacific and PMI Global for your help along the way. You showed us the power of the PMI community. Our most sincere thanks need to go to the Chapter Engagement team, especially Xing Ying Lee and YeYoon Kim, who held our hands and guided us along this journey. We very much look forward to our ongoing association. It's great to know we have the support of a global community of helpers as we continue ...


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Apr 11, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

So good!!!

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