Did you know that a Tasmanian project came in number 6 on the Project Management Institute list of Most Influential Projects (Asia Pacific) for 2022?

06 Earth’s Black Box (Energy)
One day soon, a steel vault in the middle of a plain in Tasmania, Australia, will quietly record every action—and inaction—the world takes to address climate change. Conceived by Australian advertising agency, Clemenger BBDO, and in collaboration with University of Tasmania researchers, Earth’s Black Box is meant to be a sort of grim time capsule. Although the vault is still being built, its hard drives began recording online climate-related conversations and data in November 2021. The box, powered by solar panels and battery storage, uses an algorithm to capture climate-focused research, news and energy consumption and temperature data. Earth’s Black Box can record 30 to 50 years worth of data and will act as a single reservoir for the story of one of the greatest challenges humanity will face.

Check out the other projects here - Top 10 Projects in Asia Pacific |#MIP2022 (pmi.org)